Your unique needs, our unique approach.

What we offer

Personalized Pain Management

Tailored treatments designed to address both acute and chronic pain and injuries.

Strength and Conditioning Programs

Truly “personal” training focused on enhancing power, strength, and endurance, and supported by in-depth testing and targeted treatment.

Lifelong Tool Kit

We teach reinforcement exercises and workout techniques during our sessions and empower you to perform these on your own, providing you with a personal toolkit for self-assessment and training wherever life takes you.

The tools we use


Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) are based on the core principle that any loss in a muscle's ability to contract efficiently can lead to reduced motion, decreased physical performance, pain, and the potential loss of physical capabilities.

MAT evaluates and enhances a muscle's contractile function through a unique and systematic approach, making it a more targeted and specific treatment which can lead to faster improvements than conventional protocols or models of therapy.

MAT begins with a detailed assessment of an individual's muscle function, focusing on comparing the range of motion on both sides of the body. A limited range of motion on one side aka muscle tightness, can be an indicator of an underlying muscle weakness, which in turn causes other muscles to tighten up to try to stabilize the joint. The tightness may be causing the discomfort, but, the true issue to resolve is the muscle weakness that is causing the compensatory tightness in other muscles.

  • Through a precise testing process, muscle weaknesses are identified. MAT then integrates various techniques to enhance muscle function, such as isometric contractions, manual stimulation of the muscle's origin and insertion points, and electrical stimulation. These techniques are designed to activate inhibited muscles, allowing them to contract more efficiently and withstand greater external forces. This improved muscle function can help reduce potential injury and reduce pain.

    This enhancement of muscle function leads to better physical performance and increased ability to exercise without pain. The goal is to address underlying muscle imbalances and ensure that muscles are prepared to handle the demands of daily activities and physical exercise.

    MAT is highly individualized, with each client receiving a tailored treatment plan based on their unique muscular weaknesses and compensation patterns. This personalized approach ensures each session builds on the progress of the previous one. With MAT and our other services like Neurodynamics, Laser Therapy, Biofeedback, and exercise, we ensure no stone is left unturned in providing the support you need to achieve your goals.


VO2 max, or maximal oxygen consumption, represents the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use during intense exercise. It directly reflects your cardiovascular fitness and aerobic capacity.

Here’s why it matters:

Longevity Connection: Numerous studies link VO2 max to longevity. For instance:

  • Improvements as little as 1 mL x kg in VO2 max can be associated with significant reductions in the risk of death.

  • The difference in mortality between low and high VO2 capacity is fivefold over a decade.

Performance Connection: Higher VO2 max translates to increased stamina, quicker recovery, and improved cardiovascular health.

Our clinic uses the cutting-edge VO2 Master testing equipment, considered best in class. By assessing your aerobic capacity, we establish your baseline and then can create specific training protocols to optimize your cardiovascular health and overall well-being.

Why VO2 max is the greatest predictor of lifespan | Peter Attia


When it comes to exercise, everybody has different needs. Whether your goal is to overcome pain or become an Olympic athlete; what works for a friend might not work for you. While many equate exercise effectiveness with how much you sweat, or how sore you feel the next day, the truth is that it requires real detective work to accomplish the specific goals of an individual who is constantly changing, adapting, and evolving. That’s where we come in.

We provide truly “personal” training focused on enhancing power, strength, and endurance, and supported by in-depth testing and targeted treatment.

We will:

  • Help you reach your personal fitness goals by customizing a program based around your body’s structure and capabilities, helping to reduce the risk of injury. 

  • Isolate and restore specific areas of muscle weakness in order to help you reach your maximum potential for full, strong, and stable joint range of motion.

  • Work with your body's current skill level while increasing the intensity, allowing you to train harder, smarter.

  • Teach you concepts and techniques to ensure you can confidently train on your own wherever your life may take you.


When nerves become compressed due to a bone, scar tissue, muscle, or fluid entrapment, they can no longer glide easily between tissues, which results in a loss of blood flow to the nerve, which causes metabolic waste products to build up inside the nerve. This buildup of waste in the nerve is what causes the symptoms of sharp or dull pain, tingling or numbness, that can often feel debilitating.

We utilize neurodynamics as a systematic approach to assess nerve mobility and function. This often involves a series of specialized tests and maneuvers designed to provoke symptoms and identify areas of nerve restriction or irritation. Once assessed, targeted interventions are employed to restore optimal nerve mobility and alleviate symptoms.

Neurodynamics play a crucial role in reducing nerve pain by restoring optimal nerve mobility and function. By addressing underlying neural restrictions and sensitivities, neurodynamics offer long-lasting relief from conditions such as sciatica, nerve entrapment syndromes, and radiculopathies.

See Neurodynamics in action


We enhance your treatment and training with Kinvent Digital Physiotherapy tools, which provide precise measurements of muscle activation, movement, and force production—capabilities once limited to hospital and university labs.

Our comprehensive toolset includes EMG units; digital force measurement devices like the K-Pull and K-Push; range-of-motion assessment tools such as the K-Move; and K-Delta force plates for measuring ground reaction forces, strength, power, and balance with ease.

Kinvent tools are also valuable for training, offering integrated biofeedback through the app. This provides real-time feedback to help you develop new movement strategies, improve muscle activation, and correct errors. The Kinvent app makes it easy to generate and share progress reports, ensuring seamless communication with your fitness and medical team to achieve your goals.

Kinvent Physiotherapy Tools


Whether working through a painful movement pattern or just looking to increase motor output on an exercise, we use NEUX Electric Stimulation (e-stim) with clients looking for pain relief and/or increased athletic performance. 

E-stim works by delivering controlled electrical impulses through electrodes placed on the skin's surface. NEUX, in particular, utilizes a unique combination of direct and alternating current, making it more effective than other comparable equipment. These impulses activate motor neurons and trigger muscle contractions. By modulating the intensity, frequency, and duration of the electrical impulses, NEUX can improve muscle function and improve blood flow. Additionally, e-stim is able to stimulate inhibitory systems in the brain and spinal cord to reduce pain.

When integrated with Muscle Activation Techniques, Laser Therapy and exercise, NEUX becomes an indispensable tool in achieving your health and fitness goals.


Our clinic employs a Lightforce Class 4 Medical Laser to treat areas of tissue inflammation, joint arthritis, and muscle tightness.

 The principle behind this treatment is photobiomodulation – a process by which photons of light energy interact with cellular structures inside body tissues to initiate a cascade of biological responses, leading to increased ATP production and cellular metabolism. For the targeted tissue, this means more blood and nutrients flow in, and more waste and acids flow out.

 We integrate Laser Therapy with our other modalities to optimally address the structural, biological, and neural components of pain and dysfunction.

How Laser Therapy works

Our process is thorough



We start by testing to identify specific issues.



We then treat them with cutting-edge techniques and methods.



Once issues are resolved, we train your body with specific exercise to improve function and resilience.



You are not a passive rider on this journey. Along the way, we teach you reinforcement exercises and concepts, providing you with a personal toolkit for self-assessment and training wherever life takes you.

Our process is collaborative, and we support your existing network.

We believe strongly in a collaborative approach with other healthcare providers to achieve optimal results.

We can provide reports and updates to anyone on your medical team (doctors, psychologists) or fitness team (coaches, trainers) to ensure synergistic support.

We support and elevate your
other practices through collaboration.